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Be Repetitive To Gain Great Business Results

Business group portrait - Six business people working together. A diverse work group.

The use of connected marketing strategies can save time, money and resources. Most importantly it can ensure that your target market hears and sees a loud, clear, consistent message whether you are approaching them via advertising, direct mail or telemarketing services.

This integrated marketing approach fuses every department and division within your company to project synergistic messages to existing customers and prospects alike. The greatest advantage can be seen in how sales and marketing departments work together when this approach to marketing is applied. Demand generation campaigns designed to generate leads for the sales team can often be handled in isolation by many companies. However this can then prove confusing for customers if the marketing department are then running an advertising ad for example which uses a different message or offer.

Connected marketing allows the business to apply multiple media channels whilst using the same powerful message to reinforce the company’s value proposition. Each channel can also refer customers and prospects to other forms of media. A newspaper ad may make reference to a recent infomercial, a direct mail may point customers to your website and your B2B telemarketing may encourage prospects to read your company literature. Each form of media holds consistent messages, the same branding, information and taglines to reinforce the message.

This form of repetition of message has been found to be highly effective in helping the customer along the buying cycle to the point where they are ready to purchase a product or service. By repeating the message you keep your company well within your customer’s radar. Multiple forms of media are effective in raising the profile of your brand and your offering.

Using this form of integrated marketing the sale performance of your company can start to increase multiple-fold. At IZEN Marketing we offer an expert advice on all forms of marketing including lead generation.

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