Using smaller, unique home accessories, in the drawing room for instance, such as decorative picture frames and candle holders, is an affordable way to add character to an interior. Items such as these and other accessories like colorful throws and calendars bring interest and talking points to the home. These more petite items can be easily moved from one part of the room to another in order to catch the light or as lovely additions to a larger piece of furniture such as a display cabinet or table.
Another advantage of purchasing these small ornamental items is that they can be taken with a tenant or home-owner if they move house. Receiving or giving past times gifts for the home is a stylish way to bring original family mementos into a household. Although these gifts are generally new items, in time, because they can be moved from home to home and passed from one generation to the next, they can become much-loved heirlooms; vintage style items can immediately look like long-term treasured items.