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Things To Think When Selecting Your Fireplace

A well-chosen fireplace can give the room you have chosen to place it in a fantastic, eye-catching focal point for all those who reside in the home, as well as visitors and guests. However, with such an important investment it’s vital to choose a fireplace which is sympathetic to the look and style of your current decor, as well as the period of your property. And also consider fire signage for the protection purposes.

Consider the size of the room

Of course, the first thing to consider is the relative size of the room which the fireplace will be located in. With a huge variety of fireplaces at different heights and widths available, you need to pick one which meets the demand of not looking so big that it becomes out of place, yet still present enough to become the focal points which it is designed to be.

Can it heat the room sufficiently?

Along with the size of the fire will come the question of whether it has the power to heat the desired room. Larger rooms with greater volume will take longer to heat and more energy will be required from the fire to feel any kind of warming benefits. For this reason you will need to consider whether the fireplace you are thinking about buying will meet these demands.

What is its primary purpose?

Moving on from the point made above about room heating requirements, you then need to consider what the primary purpose of your new fireplace will be. Whilst some people like to use their fire as an extra heat source in the home, or sometimes even as the main heating system in old-fashioned homes, others prefer to use their fire as just a decorative feature. Watching the flames flickering can provide ‘visual warmth’ so a smaller fireplace can suit this purpose, though a larger system may be required if you are looking to generate actual warmth for yourself and your family.

How will it be ventilated?

You then need to consider how the room with the fireplace will be ventilated with fresh air so there aren’t too many dangerous chemicals and toxins being breathed in by those enjoying the flames. A popular option is ‘direct venting’ which requires a short flue to channel the air from outside into the room, whilst pushing the harmful air back outside. Whilst this option is probably the easiest to install, some people like to use their full chimneys, if they are still clear and in working order as a flue to the outside. The final option is to mount a vent onto an exterior wall in order to get the fresh air required into the room.

Type of energy used

While there’s no doubt that gas fires are by far the most popular option for those buying fireplaces for the modern home, there are a number of options to consider including propane, coals or even wood-burning models, which are very aesthetically pleasing for the more traditional style of property.

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