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What are the Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

As with many psychological conditions there are symptoms that can be associated with PTSD. Whilst these symptoms are likely to vary from patient to patient we can make generalized points about what kinds of symptoms are typical.

Post traumatic stress disorder is so named because it results from a traumatic event. The nature of this event can be varied, bereavement, losing a job or suffering a physical trauma. In fact, as many as 30% of those who suffer traumatic events go on to express some of the symptoms of PTSD.

One common symptom of post traumatic disorder is flashbacks or nightmares. The traumatic memory can essentially become stuck in the patients short term memory and so can be relived over and over, either in the form of painful nightmares or flashbacks.

In an attempt to deal with the traumatic memory sufferers can exhibit a kind of social distance.This can be expressed in an apparent lack of empathy or disinterest in life. This can cause all manner of problems, both professionally and socially.

PTSD can lead to further psychological problems. A patient may suffer from depression or become addicted to various destructive forms of behavior, such as alcoholism or drug use – all in an attempt to cope with the painful memory.

Those looking to help sufferers of PTSD might consider EMDR training or other kinds of PTSD training, whereby they’ll eventually be qualified to treat sufferers of post traumatic stress disorder and associated conditions.

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